Tag: covid-19

The most important question

February 10, 2021

A couple of times when some old dude has coughed on me loudly in the tram I’ve thought, that’s it, I’ve now got the ‘rona and I’m gonna kick the bucket, so what are the top 5 things I wanna do before I die.

I haven’t really come up with any good answers, the last time I had that scare I wrote the previous blog post, to pass on my deepest life wisdom, but now that that’s done and all, what else is there left?

Should I rather read 177013 before I die or should I rather not? Just to find out what all the fuzz is about? It’s really hard to know without reading it, but if I do read it it’s already too late to unread it.

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I guess I’m pretty used to the lockdown by now. Or rather, it never was a problem. I’m one of those fortunate (or not?) people who haven’t had many changes to their lifestyle since the coronavirus closed all the establishments. There are two differences between then and now. I work from home now, and the pub quiz I used to go to is also over the Internet. I earn the money in my living room; I have fun with friends in the living room. I only leave the house to buy food.

It’s awesome. Honestly, I would keep it like this. The only problem is that I’m constantly worried that I’ll die an untimely death due to the disease, so I guess I wouldn’t mind if I got vaccinated against the stuff and THEN continued living the same way.

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