I’ve had a habit of eating 3 cheese rolls for breakfast for quite a while now. Possibly for years.
A few days ago, I was just lying on my couch and relaxing and randomly decided to check how many calories a cheese roll has. I googled it and found out each one has around 500 calories. I was flabbergasted. Like what? I’ve casually been eating 1500 calories – almost a full days’ worth each morning?
I was shocked, disgusted, confused. I was no longer surprised why I have been gaining weight and rather amazed I hadn’t gained even more weight. I immediately decided to stop having 3 cheese rolls for breakfast.
Now I’m 2 days clean of the cheese rolls. Let’s hope I won’t relapse.
Are you yourself addicted to some weird food article that you must have every day? If you don’t mind sharing, write me a comment about it.